Women of Amsterdam - an ode
Hedy d'Ancona's ode

Who is Hedy d'Ancona?
Hedy d'Ancona is a prominent Dutch feminist and politician. She stands for women's rights, emancipation, and social justice. As co-founder of the feminist magazines Opzij and De Nieuwe Maat, she brought feminist ideas to wide attention. During her time as Minister of Welfare, Health and Culture, she promoted cultural inclusion and equal opportunities. Her impact created greater awareness and concrete policy changes that improved the position of women in the Netherlands.

To whom does Hedy d'Ancona pay tribute?
Joke Smit (1933-1981) was an influential Dutch feminist and co-founder of the action group Dolle Mina. She stood for the emancipation of women and campaigned for equality and women's rights. With her seminal essay ‘Het Onbehagen bij de Vrouw’ in 1967, she launched the second feminist wave in the Netherlands. Her work led to a critical discussion on the role of women in society. Together with Hedy d'Ancona, Joke Smit founded the feminist organisation Man Vrouw Maatschappij (MVM) in 1968.

The ode
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