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Faces of North Holland

Untold Stories from Aalsmeer to Texel

26 Jul - 10 Nov 2024
Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

    For Schools

    Secondary Education

    All levels

    Young people today face major challenges. They are growing up with a pandemic, a climate crisis, and war. Housing prices are rising and inequality in education is no longer being reduced, but is increasing instead. How do you interact with each other in a society that seems to be under more pressure, where social media determines what people think, and where progressively fewer people trust each other and the government? What does the latest generation think?

    Voorgezet Onderwijs, fotograaf: onbekend.
    patricia kaersenhout, 2024, The arrival

    patricia kaersenhout, 2024, Women Ships 1

    (Dutch programme) Nieuw: lesprogramma Manahahtáanung of Nieuw Amsterdam?

    Het Inheemse verhaal achter New York

    400 jaar geleden, in 1624, kwamen voor het eerst Nederlanders aan op het schiereiland Manahahtáanung, waar ze de kolonie Nieuw-Amsterdam stichtten. Deze kolonie groeide uit tot de wereldstad New York. De Nederlandse invasie en decennialange kolonisatie in dit gebied hadden grote gevolgen voor de Inheemse bevolking die daar in de 17e eeuw leefde, de Lenape. Hoe was het voor hen dat er opeens mensen van over zee hun land kwamen claimen? Wat kwamen de Nederlanders precies doen daar? En ging dat allemaal wel eerlijk?

    In het lesprogramma bij de tentoonstelling Manahahtáanung of Nieuw Amsterdam? Het Inheemse verhaal achter New York worden leerlingen in de bovenbouw PO en onderbouw VO meegenomen in deze vragen en meer doormiddel van een stripboek waarin het verhaal van de Lenape, de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Manahahtáanung, wordt verteld. Na een voorbereidende les op school worden de leerlingen met dit stripboek in de hand door een museumdocent meegenomen door de tentoonstelling. Ze leren hierbij dat geschiedenis uit verschillende perspectieven kan en moet worden verteld, en dat het verleden doorspeelt in het heden. Op deze manier draagt dit lesprogramma bij aan hun burgerschapsvorming. Het lesprogramma kan ook ingezet worden voor een spannende kunst- of geschiedenisles.

    Praktische informatie

    : 1 uur (de rondleiding)
    : €70,- (excl. BTW) per museumdocent (één per 15 leerlingen)
    Aantal leerlingen
    : 15 leerlingen per museumdocent
    : Klas 1/2
    Te boeken: Welke dagen, periode 16 mei - 10 nov
    Kerndoelen VO onderbouw
    : 1, 3 t/m 6, 8, t/m 10, 30, 35 t/m 38, 40, 41, 43, 46 t/m 48, 50 t/m 52

    Screenshot 2023 09 18 133751

    Guided tour final exam classes HAVO and VWO: History

    During the tour, distinctive aspects of the historical context are explained using works from the exhibition Panorama Amsterdam: a living history of the city that serve as visual explanations and support for the 'bigger' story. The main working form for the guided tour is the teaching-learning conversation. Within this working form, the conversation with the group is central.

    For VWO, the emphasis is on the period from the mid-medieval period to the 17th century and the Enlightenment from the 17th century to the early 19th century. For HAVO, the focus is on the period after World War II from 1948 to 2008.

    Practical information
    Duration: Guided tour of one hour
    Cost: €70,- (excluding VAT) per 15 pupils
    Number of students: 2 x 15 pupils per guided tour
    Available: Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    Start and end location: Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel
    Questions? Email 

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    Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel Panorama Amsterdam 2 Foto Amsterdam Museum Gert Jan van Rooij

    Guided tour final exam classes HAVO and VWO: Art (General)

    During the guided tour, the characteristic aspects of the art-historical and cultural-scientific context are explained using works from the exhibition Panorama Amsterdam: a living history of the city that serve as visual explanations and support for the 'bigger' story.

    Pupils are challenged to name the characteristic aspects themselves and link them directly to the works. The main working form for the guided tour is the teaching-learning conversation.

    Practical information
    Guided tour of one hour
    €70,- (excluding VAT) per 15 pupils
    Number of students:
    2 x 15 pupils per guided tour
    Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    Start and end location:
    Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

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    Points of View, fotograaf: onbekend.

    Points of View: Amsterdam then & now

    Points of View: Amsterdam then & now is a three-part teaching package in which dialogue and discussion are key. Together with students we uncover Amsterdam’s different histories. We gladly listen to the opinions and experiences of the students.

    The teaching package consists of an introductory lesson given by experienced museum docents in the classroom, a guided tour of the museum lasting approximately one hour, and creative assignments for in the classroom (one hour). The guided tour can be booked separately without purchasing the lesson package. Points of View: Amsterdam then & now overlaps with the subjects Dutch, History, Classical Cultural Education & Art, and supplements the Citizenship learning module.

    Practical information
    three-lesson package/one-hour guided tour
    Cost: €210,- (excl. VAT) / €70,- (excl. VAT)
    Number of students: lesson package includes 2 x 15 students per tour at €70 each (excl. VAT) / separate tour: €70 (excl. VAT) per 15 students
    Available: Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    Start and end location: Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel, Amstel 51
    Key objectives and subjects: Citizenship Building Blocks 1–6 (SLO), Dutch, History, Visual Art
    Questions? Email

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