Donate and give
The Amsterdam Museum makes the history, heritage, art, culture, and stories of the city audible, visible, and accessible. It enables inhabitants and visitors to contribute to a better city for everyone.
With your gift, large or small, you can make a contribution in two ways: by supporting the museum’s special projects or through our fundraising campaign for the new Amsterdam Museum.
From a one-time donation in support of a particular project to a deeper relationship with the historical and contemporary stories and unique collection of the city of Amsterdam, we offer a diverse range of options and returns to support the museum. Donations may be made once or periodically. For more information, please contact Anne Tanzi-Dozy at or call +31 20 5231 742.
Giving objects
The Amsterdam Museum cares for a broad, world-class collection, through which we relate diverse stories about the city’s past, present, and future. Our collection of more than 100,000 objects is routinely expanded. This way, the museum continues to build on the collective memory of our city. We highlight significant artistic and historical moments while ensuring a platform for critical voices and fresh insights. Because the inclusive narrative of Amsterdam is never concluded.
It is possible to give objects to the Amsterdam Museum. Certain tax advantages are also associated with the donation of an object. For more information, please contact Maarten Jansen, collection registrar, at or call +31 20 5231 810.
It is possible to include the Amsterdam Museum as a beneficiary in your will, or to leave something as a bequest. You may specify an amount of money or an (art) object. Every gift is greatly appreciated, no matter the size. In addition, the Amsterdam Museum can be appointed co-inheritor along with the next of kin and other charities, or the sole inheritor. For more information, please contact Anne Tanzi-Dozy at or call +31 20 5231 742.
Tax benefits
The Amsterdam Museum has ANBI status. A donation to an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) which is designated as a cultural institution, provides extra income tax benefits. You may increase your gift to the Amsterdam Museum by a multiplier of 25%. The tax authorities thus accept that you deduct a quarter more than you actually donated.