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Faces of North Holland

Untold Stories from Aalsmeer to Texel

26 Jul - 10 Nov 2024
Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

    Frequently asked questions

    100 vrouwen, 2024, Hedy Tjin

    100 vrouwen, 2024, Hedy Tjin

    1. How much time does it take to make an ode?
      That depends on who you are addressing your ode to and how much time you want to put into it yourself. Check out the tips to get an idea.

    2. Can I make several odes?
      Of course, please do!

    3. Can I make an ode in a language other than Dutch?
      You may! We want to make as many odes as possible available in as many languages as possible. Would you like to translate an ode? Let us know!

    4. Instead of an ode, can I also make a lament or express myself in a negative way?
      We can well imagine it, and as long as it is done in a respectful way, we encourage it. Insulting and offensive contributions will not be posted, see also the terms and conditions.

    5. I want to make an ode but am not quite sure. How do I ask for help?
      Send us a message at

    6. I would like to help someone make an ode. Is that possible?
      How wonderful! Just email us at and we will put you in touch.

    7. What happens to my ode after I have submitted it? How will my ode be used?
      You grant the Amsterdam Museum permission to use (parts of) your contribution (to make it public and to reproduce it):
      a. on the digital platform Women of Amsterdam: an ode;
      b. on the website page about the project Women of Amsterdam: an ode
      c. on the general website of the Amsterdam Museum and on the website
      - to be included in the (digital) collection of the Amsterdam Museum and to be used for future digital and physical exhibitions within the framework of Vrouwen van Amsterdam: een ode.
      - to use and make available in presentations and press materials to promote the aforementioned components (the platform and the aforementioned websites, digital and physical exhibitions, as part of the collections, etc.);
      - to publish on the Amsterdam Museum's public Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X accounts and on YouTube. Your contribution is visible to everyone and can be shared by the users of these social media.

    8. Are you under 18 and would you like to submit an ode?
      How nice! Please ask your parents or guardian(s) for permission before submitting your contribution.

    9. Will all odes and contributions soon be published on the website?
      In principle, yes, unless the contribution contains material that:
      - discriminatory on grounds of appearance, race, religion, gender, culture, origin, or otherwise offensive;
      - is offensive or violent and/or incites hatred;
      - is incorrect or misleading;
      - is pornographic in nature;
      - infringes the (intellectual property) rights of others, including copyrights, trademark rights and design rights;
      - infringes the portrait and/or privacy rights of third parties;
      - contravenes public order and/or any statutory regulation;
      - contravenes standards of decency or good taste;
      - is contrary to the Dutch Advertising Code;
      - see further under our terms and conditions.

    10. Can I contribute to this project with my organisation?
      We welcome you with open arms! See our partner page for more information and opportunities to work together. We look forward to hearing from you!
    Create an ode
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